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ZX Boriel BASIC Books

Boriel Basic for ZX Spectrum: A guide for beginners…and those who are not so much

BASIC is the ideal language to begin programming, and Boriel BASIC is the best option for advancing further, offering both speed and modern features.

Whether you are an enthusiast who typed some programs from magazines and haven't touched a Spectrum since then, or if you are a programmer looking to finish a game started decades ago, or simply want to learn what programming was like in the 80s, this is your book.

A comprehensive practical manual that explains the fundamental concepts with listings and examples covering, among many other things: language structure, screen, the use of sprites and tiles, advanced keyboard control, joystick, memory, interrupts, beeper and AY sound, memory paging, multicasting, and architecture. An authentic return to the 8-bit past where the limit will be your imagination.

Click on the book to buy on Amazon (EN) (Highly recommended)


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